We believe that building an equitable workforce is achievable.


We’re here to help you elevate the soul of your organization

Sound & Sable is your workforce alchemist and human resources partner on your workforce equity journey.

We revolutionize work culture by helping executives build diverse teams, design equitable Human Resources processes, and cultivate thriving cultures where Black leadership is included and celebrated.

In all we do, we lead with authenticity
and rightness


Human Resources Strategy

Human Resources is the backbone of any organization. We assess HR policies and practices to help you create a robust HR strategy that is people-centric, values driven and aligned with the mission and goals of the organization.

Executive Coaching

Leadership is better when done in community with others. Let us be your thought partner and sounding board as you take your personal and organizational leadership to the next level.


Talent Strategy and Acquisition

Who is and isn't on your team matters. We help you create strategies to attract and retain diverse, dynamic talent for your own search or let us do the work to conduct full-service leadership searches for you.

Organizational and Leadership Development

Invest in the future of your people and organization. We plan and facilitate organizational strategy sessions and learning sessions that align with organizational and personal development goals.


Organizational Culture Strategy

Culture is the heart of your organization. We assess and help you cultivate an authentic, life-giving culture where people are connected and valued.


Our Partners

A servant-leader, Jarie has a passion for helping people lead with head and heart while creating and sustaining equitable organizations.


The talk around town


Veronica Torres Hazley
Founder • Hey Chica!

Anne Erickson
Chief People Officer • Uplift Education

Jerry Hawkins
Executive Director • Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

“Bradley's innumerable abilities and interests and professional passions explain her movement into the world of organizational development and consultancy. Those of us who know her well understand completely this "next step" in what is already an amazing career. I feel honored to be able to recommend for your consideration and without reservation, Jarie Bradley. Jarie makes everything, every group, and everyone she touches better.”

Larry James
CEO Emeritus, CitySquare

“During one of the biggest transitions in our organization's history it has been comforting to receive trusted guidance, advice and planning from Jarie. As a growing non-profit focused on creating a decolonized work environment, Sound & Sable has been heaven sent during this time of growth. I view our work as a body in movement and Sound & Sable has been the entity necessary for us to grow in a healthy way.”

Taylor Toynes
Executive Director, For Oak Cliff

”Working with Jarie was a great experience! She was knowledgeable, communicative, and sensitive to our company’s unique situation and needs. The insight she provided was extremely valuable and she shared it in such a way that did not feel judgmental or condemnatory. Many consultants will provide you with details on what’s wrong, but not share how to fix it. Jarie provided clear, actionable next steps and offered up assistance and guidance in navigating those steps. She really went above and beyond our expectations and we would be thrilled to work with her again!”

Abby Wilson
Talent Acquisition Leader, Arrowroot Capital


Your company is the strongest when you embrace the full spectrum of humanity.

Let us guide you to your next level of greatness.